Telekinesis is the fastest way to increase Alteration (who uses this, anyway?). This is an equally viable method for leveling up your Conjuration skill, and Trap Soul uses minimal magicka so there should be no downtime whatsoever. Plus, once you’re a master conjurer, you can permanently summon two elemental “thralls” that will follow you everywhere (whether you want them to or not…).Alternately, you can find any dead body and repeatedly cast Trap Soul on it. It will take a short while, but you’ll save yourself immense time and trouble this way. right?Now that you’ve got a friend or two, you can repeatedly conjure Atronachs or bound weapons to level your Conjuration skill. Unless one of them bugs out and starts “swimming on land,” but what are the chances of that happening…. By luring these creatures near the shore you can keep an active enemy near you (required to level most combat magic skills) without fear of being attacked. He won’t die or attack you (as stated in my review), but it will take even longer since you won’t have any experience bonuses activated yet.Ī bit of north of Dawnstar you’ll find Slaughterfish-infested waters. Like grinding out any skill, this becomes increasingly tedious when you reach the higher levels, but if you want to have access to the most powerful spells in the game as soon as possible, this will ensure you reach that goal.If you want to level up your Destruction even sooner (like, at the very beginning of the game), you can repeatedly use spells on the NPC that guides you through the caves below the keep during the prologue.

So if you summon a flame Atronach, you’d kill it with a frost spell. If you’d like to level Destruction on your own without involving any other “real” people, you can simply conjure an Atronach and then destroy it with the opposite element. Resting in a bed (especially one you own) will also add a temporary experience bonus (don’t fast-travel or you’ll lose it), as will resting with your spouse.

Make sure you have the Mage Stone activated to gain skill experience 20% faster. But as with any Elder Scrolls title, there’s a way to expedite the process to as little as an hour of mindless grinding. Raising a magic skill such as Conjuration or Restoration to Master rank (level 100) takes countless hours of in-game playtime.

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